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Corporate Banking > Financing > Bank Acceptance
Bank Acceptance

The Bank Acceptance is an instrument written by the drawer and accepted by the bank with commitment that the payee or the bearer will be paid unconditionally for the face value of the draft upon expiration date. 

Functions and Features  
Reliable and convenient payment and settlement vehicle backed by bank credit for benefit of the customer's production and business activities.

Target Clients
It is applicable for normal payment in commodity and labor trade between body corporate and organizations of economic activities.

Currency and Tenor 
RMB is the currency in service. The maximum tenor is 6 months. 

Upon writing the bank acceptance, the bank collects from the drawer a lump sum handling fee assessed at 0.05% of the face value. The minimum charge is RMB 10 per transaction.

Application Materials
1) Credit application; 
2) The drawer’s qualification certification document; 
3) The drawer's audited financial statement for the most recent 3 years and the most recent financial statements; 
4) Board resolutions; 
5) Real commodity trade or service contract clearly noted the settlement on bank acceptance; 
6) The drawer’s source of fund for payment upon maturity including: sales contract, funding plan; 
7) For intended third-party guarantee, mortgage, or pledge, provide relevant materials corresponding to guarantee, mortgage, or pledge loan.

Note: This page is for reference only, part of the business to local outlets announcement with specific provisions prevail.