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Personal Banking > Hua Xia Debit Card > Alipay Hua Xia Card Link

This is a payment service jointly launched by Hua Xia card and Alipay company for cardholders of Hua Xia RMB debit card to make payment. Once Alipay account is bound with Hua Xia card, no need to logon Hua Xia Bank’s Internet Banking, just access the Alipay account and use the Alipay password to draw money from the Hua Xia card to pay via www.alipay.com.

1. Fast, convenient: Just apply a Hua Xia card, bind the Hua Xia card with the Alipay account either at the Hua Xia counter or logon Hua Xia’s Internet Banking (enrollment edition or certificate edition). Once finished, you are ready to make payment directly from the Hua Xia card. Apply and use the payment service on the spot, valid long-term. 
2. Easy steps: Compared with the payment made through Internet Banking, you remain at the same webpage when you use this Alipay-Hua Xia card service to pay for online shopping. No need to enter the troublesome bank card number. Just enter the payment password of your Alipay account. 
3. All the functions: When you make payment via the Alipay account, anytime you can check the balance and daily limit of the account in the Hua Xia card. All the balance changes are at your fingertips. Besides, Hua Xia Bank offers SMS alert services to keep you informed on the monetary changes in your Hua Xia card. 
4. Wide coverage: Hua Xia card can be used for online shopping in all websites where Alipay is one of the payment methods, www.taobao.comwww.sasa.com are some of the well-known shopping websites that accept Hua Xia card via Alipay.
5 Very safe: Your transaction does not go through internet but via the dedicated line connected between Hua Xia Bank and Alipay Company. You will know the balance change in your account by the SMS sent from Hua Xia Bank in real time, you can set a daily payment limit at Hua Xia counter or Internet Banking, maximum limit is RMB 50000 a day. If you pay in large amount, install the digital certificate provided by Alipay Company to reduce your risk. These are measures to protect you when using the service.

(I) Basic functions:
1. Payment: Shop online at websites where Alipay is one of the payment methods 
2. Top up: Logon www.alipay.com, top up the Alipay account of yours or others for payments later
3. Cash withdrawal: Logon www.alipay.com, transfer in real-time the amount in the Alipay account to the account in Hua Xia card
4. Return goods: Logon the website where you pay for the goods online and return the goods during the validity period
5. Check balance: Check the balance in your Hua Xia card’s account via www.alipay.com
6. Check payment limit: Check the daily limit for online payment set in your Hua Xia card viawww.alipay.com 
(II) Extra functions:
If you wish to open a shop at the www.taobao.com but do not want to go through the authentication process, then sign up the service. No more authentication, just open the shop straight away, and if necessary, transfer the amount in the Alipay account to your Hua Xia card.

Currently, no fee is collected on this service.
How to Sign up?
1. Sign up: Hua Xia cardholders with Alipay account opened are welcomed to sign up the service at Hua Xia counter (Apply in person with your ID card) or logon Hux Xia Internet Banking (enrollment edition and certificate edition). Hua Xia cardholders who have not opened the Alipay account yet can sign up the service at Hua Xia counter (Apply in person with your ID card) or logon Hux Xia Internet Banking (enrollment edition and certificate edition) and use the mobile No. as the Alipay account No. to sign up in advance (then logon on www.alipay.com, authenticate yourself. Once completed, you can start to use the payment service). 
2. Cancel the service: cancel directly at the Hua Xia counter (Apply in person with your ID card), or logon ICBC Internet Banking (enrollment edition and certificate edition) to change yourself. 
3. Check sign-up details: Apply in person with your ID card, fill in the application form at Hua Xia bank outlet. 
4. Change daily payment limit: change directly at the Hua Xia counter (Apply in person with your ID card) or logon Hux Xia Internet Banking (enrollment edition and certificate edition) to change yourself.


Q: I hold a Hua Xia card, where can I sign up Alipay-Hua Xia Card Link service? 
A: At present, you can sign up at the counter of any Hua Xia outlet in your city, or logon Hua Xia Internet Banking (enrollment edition and certificate edition).

Q: How to apply for Alipay-Hua Xia Card Link service via Hua Xia Bank Internet Banking?
A: Logon Hua Xia Internet Banking (enrollment edition and certificate edition), click “Support Service”, click the service on the left.

Q: What are the services included ? What are the services available at the Hua Xia outlet? What are the services available via Hua Xia Bank Internet Banking?
A: Nine services currently included: sign up, cancel sign-up, check sign-up details, change payment limit, pay online, draw cash (seller), return goods online, check balance in Hua Xia card online and check payment limit of Hua Xia card online. 4 services are available at the Hua Xia outlet (sign up, cancel sign-up, check sign-up details, change payment limit) and 3 services available via Hua Xia Bank Internet Banking (sign up, cancel sign-up, change payment limit).

Q: My Hua Xia card is a supplementary card, can I use the card to sign up Alipay-Hua Xia Card Link service?
A: No. only principal card can be used for signing up the service.

Q: What is the range of daily payment limit that I can set for using the service?
A: Maximum range is “RMB 0-50000 (inclusive)” (set at the counter or via Internet Banking (certificate edition). Maximum daily payment limit is only “RMB 0-200 (inclusive)” if set via Internet Banking (enrollment edition).

Q: Currently, the maximum daily payment limit allowed in www.alipay.com is RMB 10000, but Hua Xia Bank allows “RMB 0-50000 (inclusive)”, is this in conflict?
A: Not in conflict. Alipay accepts online payment using Hua Xia card and also by phone.However, the maximum daily payment limit allowed to B2B merchants who have been checked by Alipay on the risks is RMB 50000.

Q: Is there any restriction on the cash withdrawals I can make in a day in terms of how many times and amount when using the service?
A: No restriction.

Q: Any requirement on the personal identity document if I sign up the service through Hua Xia Bank? 
A: According to Alipay, you have to surrender your ID card, and the Hua Xia card used for signing up the service must be your ID card.

Q: I sign up the service at the Hua Xia Bank counter, can I cancel the service or change the daily payment limit via Hua Xia Bank Internet Banking?
A: Yes. You can sign up the service at the Hua Xia Bank counter, cancel the service or change the daily payment limit via Hua Xia Bank Internet Banking. Similarly, if you sign up the service via Hua Xia Bank Internet Banking, you can cancel the service or change the daily payment limit vat Hua Xia Bank counter.

Q: Can I sign up the service many times at Hua Xia Bank?
A: Yes, Hua Xia Bank allows cardholders to sign up the service many times. However, you must make sure every time you use the Hua Xia card that has not been used for signing up before.

Q: I have not applied for Alipay account yet, can I sign up the service?
A: Yes. Alipay Company allows signing up without using an account which means it is not necessary to open an Alipay account. Just use your mobile number as the Alipay account and sign up the service at Hua Xia Bank. Once successful, logon www.alipay.com, click “activate mobile number”. Once you are authenticated, you can proceed to use the service. 

Q: My Hua Xia card is an old card (“prefix 4xxx”), can I sign up the service via Hua Xia Internet Banking?
A: No, old Hux Xia card (“prefix 4xxx”) cannot be used to sign up the service via Hua Xia Internet Banking. You have to sign up at Hua Xia outlet in your city. We suggest you to change your old Hua Xia card to new Hua Xia card (“prefix 6xxx”).

Q: What is the difference in signing up the service via the Enrollment Edition or Certification Edition of Hua Xia Internet Banking?
A: Compared to signing up the service via Enrollment Edition, the CVN2 authentication is skipped if signing up via the Certificate Edition, but you have to go through authentication process using Hua Xia Shield. The daily maximum limit increased to “RMB 0-50000 (inclusive)” from the “RMB 0-200 (inclusive)” allowed in Enrollment Edition.

Q: Compared to Internet Banking payment, what are the benefits of using Alipay-Hua Xia Card Link service?
A: A general flow of Internet Banking payment would be: choose one bank – confirm order – enter card No. – confirm the personal message – Logon internet banking – payment completed – return to Alipay.com.
A general flow of Alipay payment by Hua Xia card – enter payment password – payment completed.
From above, payment through Alipay by Hua Xia card is much simpler, faster. No more hassle in going through all the input steps and webpages. We suggest you to use the digital certificate supplied by Alipay Company to reduce your risk further.

Q: Would there be riskier to pay through Alipay by Hua Xia card than pay through Internet Banking?
A: Hua Xia Bank adopts the following risk control measures for the Alipay-Hua Xia Card Link service:
1. The sign-up must be made by the customer himself/herself, not by anyone on behalf. System will automatically match the personal identity information given, Hua Xia card and Alipay account;
2. Alipay Company activates the function to authenticate the customer again:
3. Hua Xia Bank and Alipay Company are connected by dedicated line. Transaction messages are not exchanged through the external network but signed using digital certificate of CFCA third party.
The above measures reduce the risk of the service to a minimum. It is safe to use the service.

Q: Is there any fee for the application and use of the service?
A: Both Hua Xia Bank and Alipay Company do not collect any fee.

Q: Which Hua Xia card I can use to sign up the service?
A: Principal cards of all the RMB debit cards issued by Hua Xia Bank, examples are Hua Xia Card, Sinobeauty Card, Silver Card, Gold Card, Platinum Card and Hua Xia co-branded cards.

Q: I am a customer of Hua Xia Bank Beijing Branch, can I sign up the service at the outlets of Hua Xia Bank Shanghai Branch?
A: No, you must go to the outlet of Hua Xia Bank Beijing Branch to sign up the service, ie, the Hua Xia Branch issues the Hua Xia card for you. Therefore, you cannot sign up the service at the outlets of Hua Xia Bank Shanghai Branch.

Q: I have signed up the service at other bank, can I sign up at Hua Xia Bank?
A: Yes, you can still sign up the service at Hua Xia Bank after you sign up at other bank.

Q: I have one Hua Xia card and bind with an Alipay account, can I use this Hua Xia card to bind another Alipay account?
A: According to the rules of Alipay Company, one Hua Xia card can only bind one Alipay account.

Q: I set the daily payment limit as RMB 1000 when I sign up the service at the Hua Xia Bank. However, I am rejected because of the limit when I pay RMB 800 only?
A: When you make payment through Alipay by Hua Xia card, you are restricted by the daily payment limit of Alipay account and the daily payment limit of Hua Xia card. The reason you are rejected is that you set a daily payment limit under RMB 800 for Alipay account. We suggest you to logon Alipay.com, bind your Alipay account to your mobile number, download the digital certificate from Alipay system. After that, your daily payment limit will only be restricted by the daily payment limit of your Hua Xia card.

Q: I and my seller agree to return my goods 10 am in the morning. I pay for the goods through Alipay by my Hua Xia card. Why I cannot receive my refund after so long a period?
A: Return of goods is not in real time. Usually the flow is: Customer apply for return goods on T day-- Alipay Company staff confirm the application (T+N days) - Alipay Company submit document to Hua Xia Bank (T+N days) – Hua Xia system processes the document immediately and credits the amount into cardholder’s Hua Xia Card. Therefore, it takes some time to process the return of goods from the application submitted by you to the amount credited into your Hua Xia card, not in real time whatsoever.

Q: I sign up the service at Hua Xia Bank, then I get a new Hua Xia card earlier. Now I cannot use the service. What is the reason? Any solution ?
A: Just go to the Hua Xia outlet in your city, use your personal identity document and new Hua Xia card to fill in an application form. Supply the card No. of your old card to cancel the service and use the new card to sign up the service.

Q: I cancel the service, can I return the goods that I pay through Alipay by my Hua Xia Card? If I can’t, can I use my former Hua Xia Card to sign up the service again and return the goods?
A: No. once you cancel the service, you and Hua Xia Bank are no longer bind by the service agreement. Hua Xia Bank stops offering the service to you. If you use your former Hua Xia Card to sign up the service again at Hua Xia outlet and bind with the former Alipay account, Hua Xia Bank will not process your return of goods that you pay using the service before the cancellation since the service agreement No. has been changed. Hua Xia Bank only process your return of goods that you pay using the service after you sign up the service again.

Q: My Alipay account has been stolen, what should I do?
A: Come to Hua Xia outlet immediately or call Hua Xia customer hotline 95577 to freeze your Hua Xia card from being maliciously used for making payment. Then call Alipay customer service hotline and follow the instructions.

Q: My Hua Xia card has been reported loss. Can I use the service to pay for goods, return goods or draw cash?
A: No. Hua Xia Bank does not support the use of Hua Xia card in abnormal status for payment, return of goods or cash withdrawal. At present, you can only use Hua Xia card in abnormal status for cancellation of service, enquiry on the daily payment limit. No other transactions.

Q: Is Alipay-Hua Xia Card Link a service available 24 hours a day?
A: Yes. The service is available 24 hours a day, However, due to system settlement at day-end in some special hours, say around 12 pm midnight, the service may be affected. We suggest you to check the balance in your Hua Xia Card first via the Alipay platform. If the enquiry is successful, then you can proceed to pay.

Q: Is it true that Hua Xia Card can be used in shopping websites that accept payment through Alipay by Hua Xia Card?
A: Yes.

Q: I shop at taobao.com, amount has been deducted from Hua Xia card but payment is unsuccessful, what happen?
A: This is a problem occasionally happens because of the system. Under this situation, we usually do the account processing based on the reconciliation result during system cut-over every day.

Q: I am a seller and I draw cash, but Hua Xia Card has not received the amount drawn, but Alipay platform says the cash withdrawal is successful, what happen?
A: This is a problem occasionally happens because of the system. Under this situation, we usually do the account processing based on the reconciliation result during system cut-over every day.

Q: I set the daily payment limit as RMB 500 when I sign up the service. Why I exceed the limit when I pay out RMB 300 in the morning and another RMB 100 on the afternoon?
A: Your daily payment limit starts from 4:00 pm the day before to today’s 4:00 pm. What happen to you now is that you have paid after 4:00 pm yesterday. As a result, you exceed the daily payment limit of RMB 500. We suggest you to make payment after 4 pm today.

Q: What SMS alerts are provided in using the service? How the remarks are displayed when checking details via Internet Banking?
A: All monetary changes in your Hua Xia card when using the services will be informed by SMS. All alerts come with “Alipay” besides showing the changes in debit or credit regardless of payment, cash withdrawal or return of goods. In checking details via Internet Banking, the remarks are “payment” , “cash withdrawal”, “return of goods”.

Note: This page is for reference only, part of the business to local outlets announcement with specific provisions prevail.