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Certificate T-bond

Hua Xia Bank is appointed by the Ministry of Finance for the sales and redemption of Certificate T-bond on behalf of the Ministry of Finance. The Certificate T-bond is adeposit debt of the State which can be bearer bond. Holder may report if lost. The bond is not traded on the market and the creditor's right is stated in "Certificate T-bond Receipt". The value date of the bond starts from the date of subscription. During the holding period, the holder can redeem in advance at the Hua Xia outlet where the bond is bought in case cash is needed due to special circumstances,. The minimum purchase is RMB 100.

Features: Low risk, stable income, high coupon rate, no tax on income.
1. Low risk: Certificate T-bond is backed by the sovereign credit and has high credit rating. 
2. Stable income: The income from T-bond is fixed coupon rate, which is stable and safe. The customers may compute the available income upon subscription of T-bond. 
3. High coupon rate: The coupon rate of Certificate T-bond is generally higher than the Time Deposit rate of the equivalent tenor. 
4. No tax on income: No tax levied on the interest income from Certificate T-bond .

There is no handling charge for buying Certificate T-bond. Early redemption fee is charged as per regulations of the Ministry of Finance and the People's Bank of China.A: The interest rate of Certificate T-bond is as per interest rate announced by the Ministry of Finance.

Applicable Clients:
Individual residents in P. R. China

Service channel:
The savings counters at Hua Xia Bank outlets.

Service Flows:
1. Subscription:
Buy at Hua Xia Bank outlet, present your valid ID card and money to buy. Hua Xia Bank's staff will return a "Certificate T-bond Receipt" to you. 
2. Redemption:
Early redemption: In case the customer is in urgent need of cash before maturity of T-bond, the customer shall present the valid ID card or its authorized agent's valid ID and "Certificate T-bond Receipt" to the original outlet of subscription for early redemption. The customer pays the early redemption fee as per regulations.

Redemption upon maturity: The customer presents the valid ID card or its authorized agent's valid ID and "Certificate T-bond Receipt" to the original outlet of subscription for redemption upon maturity. After Hua Xia Bank's staff verifies the documents, Hua Xia Bank repays the interest and principal to the customer.

Important Information:
1. The customer is entitled to the stipulated coupon rate only if the T-bond is held to maturity. The interest rate for early redemption is computed to the closest class as per regulations of the Ministry of Finance. The customer is also subject to early redemption fee. 
2. The "Certificate T-bond Receipt" is the key proof of customer's subscription of T-bond and for redemption upon maturity. The customer shall properly store the document and is advised to protect it with passwords. In case the certificate or the password is lost, the customer should timely report the loss at the outlet of subscription with valid ID card

Note: This page is for reference only, part of the business to local outlets announcement with specific provisions prevail.

Sales of Fund

Hua Xia Bank is entrusted by the fund manager to provide services for investors to subscribe, buy and redeem funds through service counters of Hua Xia Bank outlet, Telephone Banking, and Internet Banking, also services in the receipt and payment for settlement.

Features: Portfolio investment, risk diversification, professional management, strict regulatory, simple procedures. 
1. Portfolio investment and risk diversification: Funds are invested in a portfolio. The customer buys a basket of investment tools with limited amount of investment and enjoys the benefits of both portfolio return and risk diversification among different investment tools.
2. Professional management: The investment fund is managed and operated by professional fund managers. The fund managers has specialized investment analysts and strong information network so that the customers may enjoy the professional services. 
3. Strict regulatory: The State exercises strict supervision over the funds and requires compulsory information disclosure. In addition, the specialized custodian institution monitors the fund operation to protect customer interests. 
4. Easy application: Apply at any Hua Xia outlet, For retail investors, present valid ID card and Hua Xia Card. For institutional investors, present corporate business license and the valid ID card.

Applicable Clients:
Customers holding idle fund and in search of fairly high value appreciation at fairly low risk level

Service Channels:
Services available at the Hua Xia outlets are: sign up, account opening, account registration, subscription, purchase, redemption, fund conversion, fund custody transfer, and enquiry. In addition, Hua Xia Bank offers the services in Internet Banking and Telephone Banking. Investors are welcome to use all the above services except sign up through these two channels. Hua Xia Bank publishes the yield on the funds at the website (www.hxb.com.cn) for ease of enquiries. Investors can also check their fund returns through websites of the Great Wall Fund and Merchant Fund.

Service Flows:
I. Sign up
The individual investors need to present Hua Xia Card and valid ID card, whereas the institutional investors need to present Hua Xia Company Card or Hua Xia corporate Current Deposit Account, original of valid ID of the legal representative and the authorized officer, original of business license and a duplicate of which attached with the corporate seal. The investors are also expected to fill in Customer Sign-up for Fund Service.
II. Account Opening
The individual investors provide the Hua Xia Card (used for sign-up)) and the valid ID card; the institutional investors need to present original of valid ID of the legal representative and the authorized officer, original of business license and a duplicate of which attached with the corporate seal. The investors are also expected to fill in Fund Account Service Application Form.
III. Subscription/Purchase, Redemption
The individual investors provide the Hua Xia Card (used for sign-up) and the valid ID card for the transactions. Hua Xia Bank's fund subscription/purchase or redemption is paperless process. The investors only need to verbally describe the intended fund for subscription/purchase or redemption without manual paperwork.

Important Information:
1. If redeemed in large-sum, amount credited into account may be delayed. This affects the liquidity to some degree. 
2. Hua Xia Bank acts as a broker to accept investor’s application. Hua Xia Bank does not guarantee any performance on the fund. The investor voluntarily assumes the investment risks and pays the relevant expenses.
3. Hua Xia Bank is only responsible to pass the investor’s application documents and transaction instructions to the fund manager and registry institutions who are responsible for the ultimate confirmation and execution of the said documents and transactions. Hua Xia Bank is not liable for any successful or unsuccessful transactions. 
4. In case the Hua Xia Card, Hua Xia Bank current deposit account or the transaction password is lost, immediately report the loss to Hua Xia Bank. The investor is liable for all the losses arising from incomplete transaction or impersonated transactions by unauthorized parties as a result of delay in report loss.

Note: This page is for reference only, part of the business to local outlets announcement with specific provisions prevail.

Insurance Service

Hua Xia Bank is entrusted by the insurance company and acts as agent for insurance services. Hua Xia’s agency insurance services include sales of insurance products, collection of premium and payment for insurance claims.

Features: Easy procedure, professional service, safe and prompt service.
1. Easy procedure: Services are available at all Hua Xia Bank outlets. 
2. Professional service: Advices and information from Hua Xia professionals of high caliber, and financial planning services including insurance for investors who wish to accumulate wealth. 
3. Safe and prompt service: Hua Xia Bank's system automatically deducts premium from customer accounts and distributes claim payments, safe, reliable, and fast.

Applicable Clients:
Customers intending to purchase the foregoing insurances

No fee is collected from the applicants. Premium, compensation or surrender amount are determined by the insurance company as per particular products.

Service Channels:
Hua Xia Bank outlets authorized by the Head Office for such services.

Service Flows:
I. Buy insurance product.
1. The customer presents valid ID card, fills in and signs the insurance policy. The customer pays the relevant premium according to the intended insurance product and signs with Hua Xia Bank for automatic account transfer and deduction agreement. 
2. In case the customer needs to reduce policy coverage or cancels the policy, the customer shall present the personal ID and the official policy and fill out an application form according to the insurance policy. Hua Xia Bank will pass the application form to the insurance company and transfer the premium from the insurance company's account to the applicant's account according to the payment instruction ordered by the insurance company.
3. Upon insurance claim or payment of claim, in case the insurance company has signed automatic account transfer agreement with Hua Xia Bank, Hua Xia Bank will automatically transfer the fund into the beneficiary accounts according to the insurance company's payment list. In case the parties have not signed automatic deduction and transfer agreement, as per the instruction of the insurance company, Hua Xia Bank pays from the insurance company's account to the beneficiary.
II. Premium Payment
1. The customer pays the premium with cash or through Hua Xia Card and receives the payment receipt. Alternatively, the customer may sign an auto-pay agreement with Hua Xia Bank and deposit the corresponding fund into the designated account ready for deduction and transfers.
2. Hua Xia Bank collects premium from the applicant according to the policy and issues receipt to the customer.
3. For regular premium payment made through deduction and account transfer at Hua Xia Bank, the applicant needs to sign with Hua Xia Bank the auto-pay agreement. Upon receipt of deduction instruction from the insurance company on regular basis, Hua Xia Bank deducts the amount from the customer's designated account. The insurance company mails the receipt directly to the applicant.
III. Collection of Claim Payment
1. The customer may collect claim payment and surrender value at any local Hua Xia Bank outlet upon presentation of the valid ID card and Collection of Claim Payment issued by the insurance company.
2. Upon insurance claim or claim payment, in case the insurance company has automatic account transfer agreement with Hua Xia Bank, Hua Xia Bank automatically transfers the amount from the insurance company's account to the beneficiary account according to the payment checklist supplied by the insurance company. In absence of automatic deduction and transfer agreement, Hua Xia Bank will pay from the insurance company's account to the beneficiary according to the insurance company's instructions.

Important Information:
1. The customer shall properly keep all the receipts and agreements. If lost, report immediately at Hua Xia Bank outlets. 
2. Make sure to have sufficient balance in the deduction account ready for deductions if an auto-pay agreement is signed.

Note: This page is for reference only, part of the business to local outlets announcement with specific provisions prevail.

Trust Service

Hua Xia Bank is entrusted by the interested party in the trust plan (such as trust investment company that initiated trust plan and acts as fiduciary for the trust plan) to carry out collection and payment under the trust plan. The services include collection andpayment of trust fund.

Features: Convenient, safe, prompt, fairly high return, and fairly low cost.
1. Convenient, safe, and prompt: Service is available at all Hua Xia Bank outlets.. With full leverage of Hua Xia Bank's network and settlement advantage, All collections and payments can be completed without walking out of the door. 
2. Fairly high return: It is a new investment financial product for investor that is capable for fairly high return. 
3. Fairly low cost: Hua Xia Bank currently does not charge investors any service fee.

Applicable Clients:
Institutions or individuals in possession of certain amount of idle fund and in search of trust products to invest.

Service Channels:
Hua Xia Bank outlets.

Service Flows:
1. The investor presents the valid ID card and Hua Xia Card (or Hua Xia Current Deposit Passbook) to Hua Xia Bank outlets, fills in authorization letter and entrustment letter , and pays the relevant subscription fund. 
2. Hua Xia Bank's staff verifies information, collects the trust fund, and completes procedures for fund trust.
3. Upon conclusion of trust fund issuance, Hua Xia Bank collects the amount and transfers to the designated account of the trust investment company. 
4. Upon income distribution or maturity liquidation by the fund trust, Hua Xia Bank transfers the fund of the trust investment company into the investor's designated account.

Important Information:
1. Hua Xia Bank is not legally responsible for the collection and payment within scope authorized by the trust investment company as well as the losses for a reason related tothe trust investment company, the trustor, or other relevant parties. 
2. The customer provides Hua Xia Card or Hua Xia Bank Current Deposit Account upon subscription of the trust fund. The foregoing Hua Xia Card or Hua Xia Bank Current Deposit Account is the designated account for trust fund account transfers. The customer shall properly store such document and information and shall timely file for loss report upon loss of such document and information.

Note: This page is for reference only, part of the business to local outlets announcement with specific provisions prevail.

Brokerage of Savings T-bond (Electronic)

This is a service for individuals to buy and redeem savings T-bond (electronic) issued by Ministry of Finance, at Hua Xia outlets or via Internet Banking, Phone Banking (under the permission of Ministry of Finance).
Savings T-bond (electronic) (“Savings T-bond) are RMB bonds issued by Ministry of Finance in China and sold through pilot commercial banks to retail investors. Savings T-bonds are electronic records of creditors’ right and not allowed to be circulated in public.

Functions and Features:
1. Simple A/C opening steps: use your own personal ID card, Hua Xia debit card or savings passbook to open a Savings T-bond custody A/C at the Hua Xia outlet in your city where you get the Hua Xia card or savings passbook.
2. Free choice of card/passbook: Whether to use Hua Xia card or current savings passbook to open custody A/C is your choice.
3. Easy buy/sell: Once the account is successfully opened, you can subscribe or redeem savings T-bond anytime. Interest or redemption of subscribed bond are automatically paid upon maturity and credited into your account in time.
4. No risk: The savings T-bond you buy are issued and redeemed by Ministry of Finance of People’s Republic of China. There is no risk on the principal and return. 
5. High return: You earn more interest than fixed deposit of the same tenure. Savings T-bond is a good choice of investment if you seek stable return.

Target Clients:
Natural persons in China holding valid identity documents.


Currently no fee is collected for opening T-bond custody account. Fee for early redemption of savings T-bond is 1‰ according to Ministry of Finance. (For further information, see the regulations of Ministry of Finance and the offering document of the savings T-bond).

Service Channels:
At the Hua Xia outlets you can subscribe or redeem in advance savings T-bond or check details. Through Phone Banking you can check the details on the T-bond and transaction details in T-Bond account.

Service flow:
1. Open Custody A/C
At the Hua Xia outlet surrender your personal identity document, Hua Xia debit card of current savings passbook (apply on the spot if necessary), fill in Application Form on Savings T-bond Service and enter a password for the A/C. 
2. Subscribe 
Apply at the Hua Xia outlet during the offering period of T-bond, in verbal or fill in Application Form on T-bond Service if written. Surrender your valid ID card and the Hua Xia debit card or current savings passbook that bind with your T-bond custody A/C.
3. Redeem in advance
Apply at the Hua Xia outlet during the period for early redemption of T-bond, in verbal or fill in Application Form on T-bond Service if written. Surrender your valid ID card and Hua Xia debit card or current savings passbook that bind with your T-bond custody A/C.
4. Change funding A/C
Hua Xia bank acts on your instruction to unbind from the Hua Xia debit card or current savings passbook with your T-bond custody A/C and the account to the new Hua Xia debit card or current savings passbook. 
The reason could be you have lost the Hua Xia debit card or current savings passbook and get a new card/passbook. Therefore you have to “Change funding A/C”.
Apply at the Hua Xia outlet, in verbal or fill in Application Form on T-bond Service if written. Surrender your valid ID card and the Hua Xia debit card or current savings passbook to the Hua Xia teller for binding your T-bond custody A/C with the card/passbook. 
5. Report lost password
Report the loss at the Hua Xia outlet, fill in Application Form on T-bond Service. Surrender your valid ID card and the Hua Xia debit card or current savings passbook that bind with your T-bond custody A/C.
Once the password is reported loss and now you remember, cancel the report loss at the Hua Xia outlet, fill in Application Form on T-bond Service. Surrender your valid ID card and the Hua Xia debit card or current savings passbook that bind with your T-bond custody A/C.
After you have reported the lost password and you could not remember whatsoever, re-set a password 7 days after the report loss at the Hua Xia outlet, fill in Application Form on T-bond Service. Surrender your valid ID card and the Hua Xia debit card or current savings passbook that bind with your T-bond custody A/C.

Important information:
1. Set a numeric string not easily to be cracked for the password, remember the password. Do not disclose your password to anyone.
2. Before buying savings T-bond, read carefully the terms and conditions at the back of People’s Republic of China Savings T-bond (Electronic) Subscription Confirmation. 
3. While the savings T-bond in offer, Hua Xia Bank is not liable for any loss incurred to the customer due to force majeure events.
4. According to Ministry of Finance, early redemption is not allowed n days before the interest payment date or date of redemption upon maturity of the savings T-bond.
5. If you lose your Hua Xia debit card or current savings passbook and get a new card/passbook, “Change funding A/C” at the Hua Xia outlet. Otherwise the interest and principal cannot be credited into your account.

Note: This page is for reference only, part of the business to local outlets announcement with specific provisions prevail.