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Personal Banking > Intermediary Service > Guarantee

The Performance Bond – Self-Employed refers to guarantee arrangement where the self-employed business owner pledges the Certificate of Time Deposit and T-bond issued through Hua Xia Bank in exchange of Hua Xia Bank's guarantee letter. The arrangement provides guarantee for the benefit of the counterparty (beneficiary) in the business contract covering the performance obligations of the applicant under the business contract. 
The amount of guarantee is capped at RMB 1 million.

Features: It addresses multiple financing needs for the business owner; credit enhancement, close transaction ,.
1. It addresses multiple financing needs for the business owner: The Performance Bond – Self-Employed is a flexible alternative financing channel for self-employed business owners. It both ensures the fairly high yield on the pledged collateral and addresses the self-employed business owner's financing needs. 
2. Credit enhancement and close transaction: The self-employed business owner's guarantee is backed by bank credit to support business activities and to encourage normal performance of contracts.

Applicable Clients: 
Owners of self-employed business, market fairs, and chambers of commerce of other municipalities in Beijing. The availability of the product is currently limited to Beijing.

The Performance Bond – Self-Employed is subject to a fee assessed at 0.2‰ ~ 1‰ of amount of each guarantee. The floor guarantee fee is RMB 10.

Service Channels:
At Hua Xia Bank outlets provide performance bond consultancy, application, and processing. The Telephone Banking and Internet Banking provide advisory services.

Service Flows:
1. Application: The applicant presents application to Hua Xia Bank and supplies the required application documents.
2. Acceptance and approval: Hua Xia Bank staff-in-charge fills out the approval form and completes the approval procedures as per regulations.
3. Contract signing: Upon approval, Hua Xia Bank signs with the applicant the guarantee agreement and proceeds on counter-guarantee.
4. Writing guarantee letter: Hua Xia Bank writes guarantee letter to the applicant after collection of relevant service fees as per the agreement.
5. The parties file for guarantee termination and cancellation upon expiration of the guarantee letter.

Important Information:
1. The customer applying for Performance Bond – Self-Employed must provide adequate counter-guarantee to Hua Xia Bank. The means of counter-guarantee may be pledged Personal Certificate of Time Deposit or pledged Certificate T-bond. In addition, the line of counter-guarantee shall not fall through the sum of loan principal and interest. The pledged Personal Time Deposit Certificate must be under the title of the applicant and must be Time Deposit Certificate issued by Hua Xia Bank.
2. The tenors of the pledged Time Deposit Certificate and Certificate T-bonds must be longer than the tenor of the guarantee letter.

Note: This page is for reference only, part of the business to local outlets announcement with specific provisions prevail.