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SME Credit Banking > Dragon Boat Product Series > Business Excellence Ark

Corporate Financial Advisory

Leveraging our advantages in branch network, information, human resources, capital and customer base, Hua Xia Bank offers financial analysis, advisory, planning and intermediate services within the service scope and by the service method as agreed, to meet customer needs in operations and management and capital operations.

Service Type:
Depending on whether it is related to business investment and financing and capital operations and the application procedures, the service is divided into general advisory and specialized advisory.
1. General advisory services: corporate advisory services not related to investment, financing and capital operations, relatively easy to apply, including policies and regulations consultation, financial advisory, annual financial analysis, industrial intelligence consultation and the like.
2. Specialized advisory services: corporate advisory services related to investment, financing and capital operations, difficult to apply, including investment advisory, financing advisory, debt restructuring and reorganization advisory, mergers and acquisitions advisory, business diagnosis and the like.

How to Apply?
Apply at the counter.
Note: This page is for reference only, part of the business to local outlets announcement with specific provisions prevail.

Venture Series

The Bank issues Venture product series to gather a capital pool and invest the money in a single capital trust plan set by a trust company. Investment covers new stock subscription, bond investment, trust loans, credit assets transfer, instrument assets transfer and the like.

1. Principal not guaranteed, floating rate of return, and relatively high expected return and risk.
2. A stable structure minimizes risk and improves product safety by using dynamic risk control.
3. Wealth management products can be customized for VIP clients.

Target Customers:
Veteran individual or corporate investors with good investment knowledge and perspective, that have moderate to high risk tolerance and investment experience in stocks, stock-type funds, and futures.

Limit and Term:
Minimum investment amount and term vary for different products. Currently the series has a threshold of RMB 50,000 for individual clients and RMB 1 million for corporate clients and offers a wide range of products covering super-short term, short-term, mid-term and long-term maturities for investors to choose from.

Application Materials:
For personal customers: original of personal identity document and Hua Xia card. For institutional customers: settlement account, original and photocopy of company's identity documents (organization code certificate, corporate entity code certificate, business license, society association certificate or public entity certificate) and reserved company seal. If someone is authorized by the legal representative of the company to apply on behalf, authorization letter signed by the legal representative, original and photocopy of the identity document of the person stated in the authorization letter.

How to Apply?
Apply at the counter
Note: This page is for reference only, part of the business to local outlets announcement with specific provisions prevail.

Huiying Series

Using RMB or foreign currency as basic investment currency, this product series help investors seek opportunities around the globe, follow hot-spot markets, diversify investment risk, and realize international asset allocation.

1. Pegged to one or more financial instruments or index, the rate of return is determined by the movements of the pegged financial instrument or index.
2. Principle guaranteed technical structure ensures the principle repayment as agreed.
3. Wealth management products can be customized for VIP clients.

Target Customers:
Veteran individual or corporate investors with good investment knowledge and perspective, that requires high level of principal safety, have moderate to high risk tolerance, have some knowledge of international financial markets, have investment experience in stocks, stock-type funds and futures, and are willing to invest in overseas markets.

Limit and Term:
Minimum investment amount and term vary for different products. Currently the series has a threshold of RMB 100,000 for individual clients and RMB1 million for corporate clients and offers a wide range of products covering super-short term, short-term, mid-term and long-term maturities for investors to choose from.

Application Materials:
For personal customers: original of personal identity document and Hua Xia card. For institutional customers: settlement account, original and photocopy of company's identity documents (organization code certificate, corporate entity code certificate, business license, society association certificate or public entity certificate) and reserved company seal. If someone is authorized by the legal representative of the company to apply on behalf, authorization letter signed by the legal representative, original and photocopy of the identity document of the person stated in the authorization letter.

How to Apply?
Apply at the counter.
Note: This page is for reference only, part of the business to local outlets announcement with specific provisions prevail.

Zengying Series

Hua Xia Zengying Series sell capital investment and management plans to investors and invest the money gathered in high credit ranking and liquidity financial tools, including treasury bonds, financial bonds, corporate bonds, treasury notes, and bond repurchase and the like.

1. Low investment risk and stable returns. Expected returns can be realized if no major market fluctuations.
2. Wealth management products can be customized for VIP clients.

Target Customers:
Veteran investors with good investment knowledge and perspective, having moderate to high risk tolerance.

Limit and Term:
Minimum investment amount and term vary for different products. Currently the series has a threshold of RMB 50,000 for individual clients and RMB1 million for corporate clients and offers a wide range of products covering super-short term, short-term, mid-term and long-term maturities for investors to choose from.  

Application Materials:
For personal customers: original of personal identity document and Hua Xia card. For institutional customers: settlement account, original and photocopy of company's identity documents (organization code certificate, corporate entity code certificate, business license, society association certificate or public entity certificate) and reserved company seal. If someone is authorized by the legal representative of the company to apply on behalf, authorization letter signed by the legal representative, original and photocopy of the identity document of the person stated in the authorization letter.


How to Apply
Apply at the counter
Note: This page is for reference only, part of the business to local outlets announcement with specific provisions prevail.

Capital Market Funds

The Capital market fund is an open-end fund that pools idle capitals in general public. It is managed by a fund manager and all capital is under custody of a fund custodian. Unlike other types of open-end funds, it makes investment only in zero-risk money market tools.

1. Security of principal. Most money market funds invest in low-risk securities such as treasury bonds matured in one year, financial bonds, treasury’s notes, bond repurchases and inter-bank deposits, which ensures security of principal.
2. High liquidity. Money market funds are highly liquid investment and even of highest quality as current deposits. It is easy to buy and sell highly liquid money market funds. Capitals arrive in bank accounts nearly in real time. When the fund is redeemed, the bank account will be credit on the afternoon of next day.
3. High rate of return. Money market funds can invest not only in common investment tools such as bond repurchases traded on the stock exchange, but also in the inter-bank bond and repurchase market and treasury bonds and notes. The annual net rate of return of money market funds is much higher than that of bank deposits at the same maturities. Moreover, money market funds can prevent hidden losses and offset inflation. In case of inflation when real interest rate can be very low or even becomes negative, money market funds can tap into the movements of interest rate and the momentum of inflation and earn stable yields as an effective tool to combat rising prices.
4. Low investment cost. Purchase and sale of money market funds are free of commissions. No fees of subscription, purchase and redemption. Capitals flow in and out freely, lowering the investment cost and ensuring liquidity.
5. All dividends are tax-free. The face value of the money market fund remains at RMB1. Yields are calculated and credited to investors’ account on a daily basis. Investors earn compound interest. Monthly dividends reinvest in the fund and are tax-free.

Target Customers:
Small business customers with certain amount of short-term idle capital, expecting to earn stable returns.

Investment Lower and Upper Limits:
As per the Fund Contract.

Application Materials:
Institutional investors are required to provide the following materials:
(1)Current account;
(2)Original and copy of valid identity certificate of the legal representative affixed with the company’s official seal;
(3)If an authorized person is entrusted, the Power of Attorney signed or sealed by the legal representative and the original and copy of valid identity certificate of the authorized person are also required;
(4)Completed Agreement Form affixed with the company’s official seal.

Service Channel:
1. Bank counter;
2. Internet banking;
3. Telephone banking.
Note: This page is for reference only, part of the business to local outlets announcement with specific provisions prevail.

Small Business Specialized Financial Products

Small Business Specialized Financial Products are specially designed for institutional clients to preserve and increase the value of the idle capital in SME’s production and operations.

1. Low product risk by allocating funds to high credit ranking financial assets such as deposits, inter-bank lending, bond and bank credit products.
2. Tailored to meet customers’ real needs, optimizes the tradeoff between liquidity and profitability of the company’s capital.
3. Flexible approaches to provide 1-on-1 or 1-on-more services, also allows flexibility in term, rate of return and realization means of financial returns.
4. Comprehensive and fast services to address customers’ needs in the first time. Program design, signing of agreement and capital allocation are to be completed within one week. Relevant product information is provided according to customers’ demand.
Target Customers:
Small businesses with certain idle capital.

Limit and Term:
Credit Limit:
Group: collective financing amount no less than RMB 100 million.
Individual: single financing amount no less than RMB 50 million.
Term: Single financing no shorter than 2 months.

How to Apply?
Please apply to the regional division of the headquarters’ SME Credit Department or the related branches.
Note: This page is for reference only, part of the business to local outlets announcement with specific provisions prevail.

Small Business Collective Bill

The Small Business Collective Bill is a debt financing tool jointly issued by more than 2 (inclusive) but less than 10 (inclusive) corporate entities in the inter-bank bond market, under standardized product design, standardized bond name, standardized credit promotion and standardized subscription and registration method. The principal and interests will be repaid within a specified period. This product is registered at the Dealers’ Association in accordance with the Rules of Registration of Non-financial Corporate Debt Financial Tools in the Inter-bank Debt Market. Registration and issuance can only be made once.

1. Jointly issued in the inter-bank bond market under standardized product design, standardized bond name, standardized credit promotion and standardized subscription and registration method.
2. A direct financing tool of small businesses. Selected companies in the shortlist are generally from the same region or in the same industry.
3. The outstanding balance of any individual enterprise’s collective bill shall not exceed 40% of its net assets.
4. Total amount of capital raised under any individual enterprise’s collective bill shall not exceed RMB 200 million, and the registered amount for single collective bill shall not exceed RMB 1 billion.
5. The company shall put in place necessary measure to ensure solvency and disclose in the issuance document the credit promotion measures, capital repayment arrangement and other solvency guarantee measures.
6. The company shall specify the investor protection mechanism in the collective bill issuance document, including effective measures to address problems incurred by the credit rating degrade or aggravating financial position of any individual company or credit promotion agency, credit rating degrade of debts under the collective bill, and other measures that may affect the investor’s return.
7. All capital raised shall be used in the company’s operations and management in accordance with relevant national laws, regulations and policies. The company shall explicitly disclose details on the use of fund. Any change in use of funds raised during the tenure of the collective bill by an individual company shall be approved by resolution of the relevant authority and disclosed in advance.

Target Customers:
Suitable for non-financial small businesses with high solvency, large room for improvement in credibility and strong capacity of information disclosure.

Credit Limit and Term:
Credit Limit: The outstanding balance of any individual enterprise’s collective bill shall not exceed 40% of its net assets. Total amount of capital raised under any individual enterprise’s collective bill shall not exceed RMB 200 million.
Term: flexible, can be short-, mid- and long-term, such as 6 months, 9 months, 1 year, 2 years, 3 years, and 5 years.

Application Materials:
Basic materials: Company’s audited financial statements for three years, general information about the company and its production and operations.
Detailed materials: A more details check list will be provided when the Investment Banking Department and the SME Credit Department lead a team with the law firm, the accounting firm, the credit rating agency and other intermediaries to conduct the due diligence check at the company.

How to Apply?
1. Apply to the SME Credit Department.
2. Apply to the Investment Banking Department.
Note: This page is for reference only, part of the business to local outlets announcement with specific provisions prevail.

Hua Xia Value-added Loan

The Hua Xia value-added loan is a value-added loan service that the Bank offers to premium small business clients who have been using our credit services within the tenure of the primary loan to address their temporary shortage of capital. Depending on how long they have been using our credit services and their credit status, the value-added loan limit will be set as a certain percentage of the total amount of the primary loan.

1. Adds value for the loan as an extra value-added loan for premium small businesses.
2. No need for guarantee by pledge. The actual owner has the joint and several liability.
3. Easy to apply. In case of application for the value-added loan together with the primary loan, no need to submit materials again. In case of application for the value-added loan separately during the tenure of the primary loan, no need to submit those materials that remain the same. However, proofs for needs of financing and for the use of loans shall be provided again.
4. Flexible to use. The loan can either be revolving or be use up once for all.
5. Quick approval process. Special approval process and channel makes approval of the application easy and quick.

Target Customers:
Premium small business clients that have used the Bank’s credit services for more than two years. A premium small business client is one that maintains good business relationship with the Bank, is a going-concern, has good credibility with a credit rating above A, and is considered a big contributor to the Bank.

Credit Limit and Term:
Depending on how many years the customer has been using the Bank’s credit services, usually 5% to 20% of the primary loan limit. For small businesses, both the primary loan and the value-added loan are controlled under a single Credit Limit, with total credit granted no more than RMB 20 million.
The term of the loan shall not exceed that of the primary loan and shall be no longer than 6 months.

Application Materials:
In case of application for the value-added loan together with the primary loan, no need to submit materials again.
In case of application for the value-added loan separately during the tenure of the primary loan, no need to submit those materials that remain the same. However, proofs for needs of financing and for the use of loans shall be provided again.

How to Apply?
Online application.
Apply at the counter.
Note: This page is for reference only, part of the business to local outlets announcement with specific provisions prevail.